Experience the legendary Jack Herer, named after the renowned community activist and author. This sativa-dominant hybrid was created through crossing the classic Haze with Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk. Famous for its uplifting and energizing effects, Jack Herer delivers a clear-headed euphoria and a surge of motivation, perfect for days when you need an extra boost. With its sweet and sour citrusy lemon flavor and a hint of woody pine, Jack Herer’s aroma evokes a refreshing zest.
◆ Haze x Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk
◆ Sativa Hybrid
◆ Premium Indoor
◆ Ships within 1-2 business days ◆ Free shipping $99+
Experience the legendary Jack Herer, named after the renowned community activist and author. This sativa-dominant hybrid, created by crossing the classic Haze with Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk, is famous for its uplifting and energizing effects. Jack Herer delivers a clear-headed euphoria and a surge of motivation, perfect for days when you need an extra boost. With its sweet and sour citrusy lemon flavor and a hint of woody pine, Jack Herer’s aroma evokes a refreshing zest. Elevate your cannabis experience with Hello Mary THCa flower.
Simply Mary reserves the right to not ship product to states that deem this product to be illegal or conflict with local laws. As laws and regulations are constantly changing, Simply Mary is not responsible for knowing the most recent regulations in every jurisdiction in the country. Purchasers of any THCa products assume full responsibility for purchases based on their specific jurisdictions, and must be 21 years of age.