Experience the legendary Jack Herer, named after the renowned community activist and author. This sativa-dominant hybrid was created through crossing the classic Haze with Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk. Famous for its uplifting and energizing effects, Jack Herer delivers a clear-headed euphoria and a surge of motivation, perfect for days when you need an extra boost. With its sweet and sour citrusy lemon flavor and a hint of woody pine, Jack Herer’s aroma evokes a refreshing zest.
◆ Haze x Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk
◆ Sativa Hybrid
◆ Premium Indoor
◆ Ships within 1-2 business days ◆ Free shipping $99+
Experience the legendary Jack Herer, named after the renowned community activist and author. This sativa-dominant hybrid, created by crossing the classic Haze with Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk, is famous for its uplifting and energizing effects. Jack Herer delivers a clear-headed euphoria and a surge of motivation, perfect for days when you need an extra boost. With its sweet and sour citrusy lemon flavor and a hint of woody pine, Jack Herer’s aroma evokes a refreshing zest. Elevate your cannabis experience with Hello Mary THCa flower.
This product is not available for shipment to the following states: Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont